Tonight we will look at a few glimpses of the busy life of our toddlin' boy William. Will turned 1 this year and celebrated with a decorations of dogs everywhere! (Notice the wall of coloring pages and drawings behind him in this picture.) Will loves to work--especially cleaning. If he can get involved with whatever you're doing, he's happy!
Will is also our little builder. Here he is below after he and I went to Home Depot where they help kids do building projects once a month. Will is also very strong and agile. Here he lives up to the name on his shirt--Lightning Mcqueen. Audrea frequently catches him up on top of the girls bunkbeds sometimes standing up and dancing to their music. And speaking of music, he's a huge fan of anything musical (his tastes range from classical to rock, from hip hop to country, so basically anything daddy listens to!) He has also picked up same love for books that his sisters have. Here he is with them and his Grandma Connie reading to him. For the longest time he would do this silly little face shown below. He'd scrunch up his lips like so and breathe loudly in and out through his nose. Give it a try. I'm sure your friends will love it! Finally, I leave you with my favorite picture of the year. Will and his best friend, Caleb, were playing in the bedroom after Will's bath when we caught him just like this. The picture was so hilarious we hosted a caption contest on facebook. The winning caption was "Tell me again... why do I have to be naked in order to escape?" The second place caption was "Uh dude, you're visible again."
I loved all the stories about your lovely children! I couldn't get the videos for William to work, but everything else was great!
Will is so cute! I may have to come down to Kentucky to babysit him!(and his lovely sisters too) :)
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